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Hong Kong

(Revised on 22/10/2024)


  1. The social work qualifications listed below, subject to all the conditions as specified, are recognized by the Social Workers Registration Board for registration of social workers.  The list of the recognized qualifications is compiled based on the best information available at the time of compilation.

  2. The list is compiled for general information and reference only without prejudice to the exercise by the Board of any of its powers and functions in assessing individual social work qualification for registration. The Board reserves the right to revise the list of recognized qualifications (including making new additions and deletions) as appropriate.

  3. The Board may recognize a social work qualification for registration with condition(s)+.  The tertiary institution that cannot meet the condition(s) set by the Board within the required timeframe may face the Board's withdrawal of its recognition of the pertinent qualification.

  4. As tertiary institutions may from time to time change the plans of their social work programmes and the Board may from time to time review its list of social work qualifications recognized for registration, those who intend to pursue social work studies in Hong Kong should to verify with the Board and the tertiary institution concerned whether the social work qualification to be pursued would be recognized at the year of graduation.

# The periods of the programmes shown in this column refer to those of the core programmes leading to the award of the social work qualification. Any study period of a programme beyond the number of years shown in this column, for example, a period in the name of "foundation year" adopted by some tertiary institutions, is irrelevant to the context of this list of recognized social work qualifications for registration.

* Subject to entry requirement

+ The tertiary institution concerned is required to continuously fulfil the condition(s) set by the Board for the social work qualification to be recognized for registration.

Tertiary Institution Qualification and Mode of Programme# Remarks
Caritas Institute of Higher Education (Formerly known as Caritas Francis Hsu College before 27/5/2011) Associate of Social Science in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2004/05 (Full-time) and 2010/11 (Part-time), last student intake 2011/12
Chung Chi College (before merging into the Chinese University of Hong Kong) Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1950's
City University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Sciences in Social Work

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2015/16;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2029/30
City University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts in Social Work

Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2015/16, last student intake 2017/18
City University of Hong Kong Master of Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 2.5 years or 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2013/14;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2029/30
City University of Hong Kong Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 1999/2000
City University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Work

Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1989/90; last student intake 2014/15
City University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Work with Minor in Counselling

Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2004/05; last student intake 2011/12
City University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work

Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2001/02, last student intake 2011/12
City University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2012/13, last student intake 2014/15
City University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)

Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 2000/01
Community College of City University of Hong Kong Associate of Social Science in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2000/01;
last student intake 2018/19 (full-time) and 2017/18 (part-time)
Gratia Christian College Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

Full-time, 4 years
Part-time (conversion programme), 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
Full-time: first student intake 2015/16 (Intake to Year 1) and 2019/20 (Intake to Year 3); Recognition to be reviewed in 2025/26;
Part-time: first student intake 2022/23; Recognition to be reviewed in 2025/26
Gratia Christian College Higher Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2022/23;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2024/25
HKCT Institute of Higher Education Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2019/20 (Intake to Year 1) and 2021/22 (Intake to Year 3);
Recognition to be reviewed in 2026/27
Hong Kong Baptist College Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1956/57, last student intake 1980/81 (accredited since 1962/63)
Hong Kong Baptist College Senior Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1980/81, last student intake 1981/82
Hong Kong Baptist College Honours Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1980/81, last student intake 1985/86
Hong Kong Baptist College Bachelor of Social Work

Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1986/87, last student intake 1991/92
Hong Kong Baptist College Bachelor of Social Work

Part-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1988/89, last student intake 1991/92
Hong Kong Baptist University Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2012/13;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2024/25
Hong Kong Baptist University Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)

Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 2011/12
Hong Kong Baptist University Master of Social Sciences in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Full-time: first student intake 2018/19; Recognition to be reviewed in 2026/27
Part-time: first student intake 2007/08; Recognition to be reviewed in 2026/27
Hong Kong College of Technology Higher Diploma in Social Work

Conditionally recognized+;
Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2012/13;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2027/28
Hong Kong College of Technology Associate Degree in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2005/06 (Full-time) and 2004/05 (Part-time), last student intake 2011/12
Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Higher Diploma in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2016/17;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2027/28
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) of the Vocational Training Council Higher Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2012/13;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2028/29
Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2018/19 (Intake to Year 1) and 2023/24 (Intake to Year 3);
Recognition to be reviewed in 2028/29
Hong Kong Shue Yan College Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1971/72, last student intake 1991/92 (accredited since 1975/76)
Hong Kong Shue Yan College Honours Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 2001/02 (accredited since 1995/96)
Hong Kong Shue Yan University Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2002/03;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2028/29
Hong Kong Shue Yan University Master of Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2024/25;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2026/27
Hong Kong Shue Yan University Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)

Part-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2008/09, last student intake 2010/11 
Institute for Social Work Training, Social Welfare Department Certificate in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1973/74, last student intake 1976/77
Saint Francis University (Formerly known as Caritas Institute of Higher Education before 9/1/2024 and Caritas Francis Hsu College before 27/5/2011) Higher Diploma in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2012/13;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2026/27
Saint Francis University (Formerly known as Caritas Institute of Higher Education before 9/1/2024 and Caritas Francis Hsu College before 27/5/2011) Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Work

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2014/15 (Intake to Year 1) and 2015/16 (Intake to Year 3);
Recognition to be reviewed in 2027/28
Saint Francis University (Formerly known as Caritas Institute of Higher Education before 9/1/2024 and Caritas Francis Hsu College before 27/5/2011) Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

Part-time (conversion programme), 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2016/17;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2025/26
School of Continuing and Professional Education, the Hong Kong Institute of Education Associate of Social Science (Social Work)  

Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2010/11, last student intake 2011/12
School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Higher Diploma in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2014/15;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2026/27
School of Professional Education and Executive Development of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

Full-time (conversion programme), 2 years
Part-time (conversion programme), 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2023/24;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2025/26
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Science (Major in Social Work)

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2012/13;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2031/32
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Master of Social Science in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2001/02;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2031/32
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Science (Major in Social Work)

Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1994/95, last student intake 2011/12
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Science (Major in Social Work)

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1964/65, last student intake 1993/94
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Science (Major in Social Work)

On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1981/82, last student intake 1988/89
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Diploma in Social Work (Graduate School)

Part-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1984/85, last student intake 1992/93
The Community College at Lingnan University Associate of Social Sciences (Social Work)

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Cohort of 2005/06 intake only
The Hong Kong Institute of Education (changed to The Education University of Hong Kong on 27/5/2016) Higher Diploma in Social Work  

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2012/13, last student intake 2014/15
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Work

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Full-time: first student intake 2012/13; recognition to be reviewed in 2029/30;
Part-time: first student intake 2013/14, last student intake 2017/18
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Master of Social Work

Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2005/06;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2024/25
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Higher Diploma in Social Work

Full-time, 2 or 3 years*
Part-time, 4 or 5 years*
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2000/01, last student intake 2013/14
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Diploma in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 1999/2000
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Work

Full-time, 2 or 3 years*
Part-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2000/01, last student intake 2011/12
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)

Full-time, 2 or 3 years*
Part-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 1999/2000
The Hong Kong Polytechnic Diploma in Social Work

3 years Part-time day release programme
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1978/79, last student intake 1989/90
The Hong Kong Polytechnic Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)

Full-time, 2 or 3 years*
Part-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 1994/95
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Work

Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
last student intake 2011/12
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Work

Full-time, 4 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2012/13;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2025/26
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Work

Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2004/05, last student intake 2011/12
The University of Hong Kong Master of Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Recognition to be reviewed in 2025/26
The University of Hong Kong Certificate in Social Study

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1950/51, last student intake 1966/67
The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Sciences (Social Work)

Full-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1967/68, last student intake 1985/86
The University of Hong Kong Diploma in Social Work

Full-time, 1 year
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1970/71, last student intake 1973/74
The University of Hong Kong Postgraduate Diploma in Social Study

Full-time, 1 year
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 1958/59, last student intake 1969/70
UOW College Hong Kong Associate of Social Science in Social Work

Diploma / Sub-degree
Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2019/20;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2024/25
UOW College Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Social Work

Part-time (conversion programme), 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
first student intake 2024/25;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2026/27
YMCA College of Careers Higher Diploma in Social Work

Full-time, 2 years
Part-time, 3 years
On-site (Hong Kong)
Conditionally recognized+;
first student intake 2023/24;
Recognition to be reviewed in 2024/25