Issue 53 (04/2024)

Table of Contents
The Social Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 505) ("the Ordinance") is established to safeguard the public interest. Through regulating the use of social work titles, it restricts the use of the titles "social worker" and/or related titles to those individuals who are being listed in the register
Provision of the Ordinance
Section 34
Subject to subsections (3) and (4), a person whose name does not appear on the Register shall not be entitled to use——
(a) the description “registered social worker”or“註冊社會工作者”;
(b) the initials “R.S.W.”;or
(c) the description “social work””or“社會工作”or“social worker”or“社會工作者”or“社工”,
whether in combination with any other description or any initials or otherwise, to describe his profession as being the social work profession or his social work professional qualifications.
Section 35
Any person who ——
(h) not being a registered social worker (but without prejudice to the operation of section 34(3) and (4)), knowingly permits the use of, or uses, in connection with his business or profession ——
(i) the description “registered social worker”or“註冊社會工作者”;
(ii) the initials“R.S.W.”;
(iii) the description “social work” or “社會工作” or “social worker” or “社會工作者” or “社工”;or
(iv)any initials or abbreviations of words intended to cause, or which may reasonably cause, any person to believe that the person using the initials or abbreviations, as the case may be, is on the Register;
(i) not being on the Register, advertises or represents himself as a registered social worker or knowingly permits himself to be so advertised or represented;
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 and, in the case of paragraph (c), (d), (e) or (f), to imprisonment for 1 year.
According to the current legislation, a fine at level 5 is equivalent to HK$50,000.
Examples of suspected illegal activities
In reviewing past cases of re-registration applications, the Board has found that some individuals have allegedly continued to use the social work title even after their name was removed from the Register. For example, some re-registration applicants were found to have their names still displayed on the websites, showing their position as "social worker" or a related title. Upon further investigation, the Board found that most of these individuals had already left their respective organizations, but their former employers had not updated the titles on their websites.
Please note that under Section 35(i) of the Ordinance, a person who is "not being on the Register, advertises or represents himself as a registered social worker or knowingly permits himself to be so advertised or represented;commits an offence". Therefore, if a registered social worker plans not to renew their registration after leaving their job position, they should notify their employer and/or partners to update their records and website information, to avoid inadvertently misusing the social work title.
2. Regarding forgetting username and password of the Online System
1. Click“Current RSWs obtain username and password”at the login page (

1. Editing progress of the second series of Casebook of Disciplinary Inquiries
The Editorial Sub-committee responsible for compiling the Casebook of Disciplinary Inquiries has completed the initial draft of the entire publication and has submitted it to the Committee on Professional Conduct for review.
2. Qualification Recognition Assessments and Reviews
According to the Ordinance, unless meeting other requirements, registered social workers must hold a recognised degree or diploma in social work by the Board. Therefore, the Board has the responsibility to assess social work qualifications and decide whether to grant recognition for registration. In the 2023-2024 academic year, the Board conducted accreditation assessments or reviews for 6 social work qualifications.
3. Nomination of Assessment Panel Members
Any tertiary institution that wishes to confer a qualification in social work recognized by the Board must undergo qualification recognition assessment and regular review by an independent Assessment Team. The current term of the Assessment Panel will expire at the end of August this year. The Board had previously conducted an open nomination process and is currently vetting the qualifications of the nominees. After formally appointing the new panel, the Board will publish the list on its website.
4. Preparation of Election of Board Members
According to the Ordinance, the Board is composed of 15 members with tenure of office for 3 years of each term, of which 8 members must be registered social workers and are elected by registered social workers. The tenure of office of members of this term will end on 15 January 2025, and the Board has begun the preparation work for the election of members for the next term.
5. Social Work Day
6. Promotion Work
During the last half-year, staff of the Board Office introduced the work of the Board to the social work students of 10 local institutions through online or physical visits:- UOW College Hong Kong (80 persons)
- Caritas Institute of Higher Education (250 persons)
- Hong Kong College of Technology (80 persons)
- Hong Kong Baptist University (30 persons)
- Gratia Christian College (50 persons)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (50 persons)
- The University of Hong Kong (60 persons)
- Hong Kong Nang Yan College (35 persons)
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) of the Vocational Training Council (60 persons)
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (50 persons)
The Social Workers Registration Board ("the Board") previously appointed a Disciplinary Committee to inquire into a complaint. After inquiry, the Disciplinary Committee ruled the allegation against the social worker being complained ("Social Worker A") was established, and recommended that the Board issued a disciplinary order under section 30(1)(b) of the Social Workers Registration Ordinance ("the Ordinance"), i.e. order the Registrar to remove the name of the respondent from the Register for 3 months. The Disciplinary Committee also made an additional recommendation that, without disclosing the sensitive information and identities of the parties and organization involved in the case, a summary of the case be published in the Board's electronic Newsletter for educational purposes. The Board endorsed the recommendations made by the Disciplinary Committee. Now with reference to the above requirements and the excerpt approach of case examples in Rethinking Social Work Professional Ethics - A Casebook of Disciplinary Inquiry Cases, the case with relevant sensitive information and identities hidden is excerpted below.
Case Summary
Content of the Complaint
This complaint alleged that Social Worker A committed misconduct or neglect in professional respect, which if proven, might violate section 25(1)(a) of the Social Workers Registration Ordinance. The allegation of this case was briefly described below:
Social Worker A agreed with Service User A to falsely report information
The Consequences
Findings and Recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee
1. Social Worker A did not dispute the three incidents described in the complaints and admitted to the alleged conduct.
2. Social Worker A explained that truthful reporting would impact the amount of subsidy received by Service User A and potentially his whole family. As Social Worker A had been closely following Service User A's case, he did not want him to become disheartened and lose motivation for work due to this. Therefore, in a moment of impulsiveness, Social Worker A proposed to Service User A to over-report some working days.
3. Social Worker A stated that upon learning of the complaint received by the centre, he voluntarily confessed to the centre and cooperated with the investigation. He also reflected on the incident constantly since then and acknowledged that his decision did not help Service User A but impeded the improvement of Service User A. He deeply regretted that his conduct could impact Service User A's view on social workers and cause Service User A to believe that social workers would resort to any means to achieve goals.
4. The complainant confirmed to the Disciplinary Committee that false reporting did not bring Social Worker A any tangible benefits. The false information reported by Social Worker A and Service User A had also been withdrawn and amended, thus causing no actual loss to the centre or public funds.
5. The Disciplinary Committee was satisfied Allegations 1, 2 and 3 were true. In considering whether such conducts were misconduct or neglect in professional respect under section 25(1)(a) of the Ordinance, the Committee was of the view that:
b. They agreed with Social Worker A's reflection that false reporting did not truly help Service User A but deprived him of independent progression. Such situation was highly undesirable from the professional’s perspective; and
7. For the established complaint, the Disciplinary Committee decided to recommend the Board to issue a disciplinary order that order the Registrar to remove the name of the social worker from the Register for a period as the Board thinks fit. The Disciplinary Committee suggested such suitable period to be between 1 to 3 months.
Decision of the Board
The Board accepted all the recommendations made by the Disciplinary Committee. It decided to issue a disciplinary order under section 30(1)(b) of the Ordinance, i.e. order the Registrar to remove the name of the social worker from the Register for 3 months.
Discussion Issues
1. The importance of integrity
This case concerns integrity and how social workers can make professional judgements on the basis of balancing service users' interests and proper use of social resources, with an honest and trustworthy attitude.
2. A social worker's awareness of legal compliance
1. Integrity of social workers
2. Social worker's awareness of legal compliance
Total Number of RSWs:27,853
Gender Distribution
Male:8,821 (31%)
Female:19,092 (69%)
Qualification for Registration
Recognized degree:19,164 (68.80%)
Recognized diploma:8,628 (30.98%)
Others:61 (0.22%)
Total Complaint Cases received:763
Total Cases for Disciplinary Inquiry:165
Total Established Cases:44
社工的價值觀與個體的價值觀可能有所不同,原則也不是一定能通用在每個情境。每個人都深受自身的家庭、社會、宗教、國家的意識形態所成長。因此,社工更需要了解自己,知道自己的偏見,避免偏見發生在服務使用者身上。所謂的標準答案是基於社工的經驗及道德價值觀而判斷。倫理的兩難在社工的專業是必然遇見。我認為更重要的是分析倫理兩難的過程中,抱著自我批判的模式地思辨整個過程,並非單靠過去的經驗將情境系統化。每一次處理兩難個案的經驗會加強社工對處理方法變得「理所當然」. 當處理方法變得「理所當然」便失去平衡. 德行為本的倫理是指根據良好的個人品格及美德作為動機,以及對於人的關懷與真誠的回應(Banks, 2020)。道德的行動是感性及理性的判斷,不能單以原則道德作為判斷。社工面對的不是機械人,而是一個個活生生的個案。故此,社工還需要考慮以德行為本的倫理作為一個平衡點,加以反思及批判倫理兩難的過程。
Banks, S. (2020). Ethics and values in social work. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Submission Guidelines for Registered Social Workers
To allow RSWs to express their views on social work profession, the Board welcomes submissions from fellow workers. When submitting, please pay attention to the following regulations:
1. Submissions should be related to the functions of the Board or the social work profession.
2. Submissions do not represent the position of the Board, and the author bears the responsibility for the content.
3. Submitters must be registered social workers and must provide their real name, mailing address, email, and contact phone number. Submitters may request not to publish their real name.
4. Submissions can be written in Chinese or English, with a limit of 2000 Chinese characters or 1500 English words.
5. The Board has the sole discretion to decide whether to publish submissions or not.
6. The Board has the final editorial rights.
7. The Board will not provide any form of remuneration to submitters.
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